Silje's songs
What Is Bobby Doin'?music: Silje - lyrics: Richard Niles and Silje
brass arranged and conducted: Richard Niles
rhythm guitar: JJ Belle - piano: Michael Ruff - synthesizers: Richard Cottle - synthesizer and bass: Richard Niles - drums: Neal Wilkinson - percusison: Luis Jardim - backing vocals: Maryanne Morgan and Silje - trumpet: Derek Watkins and John Barclay - alto sax: Snake Davis - tenor sax: Phil Todd - trombone: Pete Beachill
- album Silje | Silje - tracks
- promotional single CD What Is Bobby Doin'?
- compilation album The Lifetime Years | The Lifetime Years - tracks
All lyrics are property of their owners and are strictly for educational use only!
[differences between the booklet text and the actual song are in italics]