
Pictures from an article in 'VG Helg'

Article in the magazine VG Helg ('VG Weekend'), part of the newspaper VG
Saturday Feb. 24. 2007 


Some of the pictures from the 5-page article Siljes vakre kunstgrep, about Silje's life, published in VG Helg
in the weekend before the Norwegian release of the album Darkness Out Of Blue.
First of all an excision of a picture of Silje in 1967, when she was around one year old.


This picture shows Silje at the famous Moldejazz in 1983 where she jammed on stage.
Randi Hultin took this picture and wrote an article about Silje's remarkable performance; in her article, in the newspaper
Dagbladet the next day, another picture was used from this event that Silje brought to a countrywide public at once.


Pat Matheny and Silje in London in 1990.
Pat and Silje recorded a version of the song Tell Me Where You're Going Silje actually wrote for Pat.


Silje in London in 1990, in front of a huge poster on a billboard of her Lifetime-release single Tell Me Where You're Going.


Silje with Morten Harket in 1991, singing the duet Where You Are for Silje's second album.
Below: the same picture Silje posted on her Facebook page in 2020:


Heine Totland and Silje in 2003 with their second child Karla


Silje (1966) in 2007, together with her daughters Karla (2003) and Erle (1997)