Silje's appearances
the year
2015 - January and February
Fourth saison of the documentary series 'Hver gang vi møtes' (Every Time We Meet) with Silje Nergaard (48), together with Bjarne Brøndbo (49), Inger Lise Rypdal (64), Pål «OnklP» Tøien (30), Lene Nystrøm (41), Thom Hell (38) and Jonas Fjeld (61). The artists came together for a week in the summer of 2014, in Vestre Kjærnes farm near Moss, for the recordings. All artists covered songs from their colleages at the farm and did some duets.
There were eight episodes in total. In the episodes 1 till 7, each day was dedicated to one of the musicians (guest of honour). The other colleagues were singing covers than of that musician. In the last episode musicians sang together.
The series are based on a Dutch format called 'De beste zangers van Nederland' (The Best Singers of the Netherlands).
The musicians in 'Hver gang vi møtes' 2015, the picture was made in 2014:
Bjarne Brøndbo, Silje Nergaard, Inger Lise Rypdal, Jonas Fjeld, Thom Hell, Lene Nystrøm and Pål «OnklP» Tøien.
The CD of this Hver gang vi møtes sesong 4 is containing 23 of the songs from this series. All songs from the eight TV episodes are listed here:
3.1.2015: Episode 1 – Bjarne Brøndbo
10.1.2015: Episode 2 – Lene Nystrøm
17.1.2015: Episode 3 – Jonas Fjeld
- Jonas Fjeld – Doctor Jones
- Thom Hell – Cartoon Heroes
- Silje Nergaard – Barbie Girl
[1997, Lene Nystrøm in the band Aqua - music and lyrics: Lene Nystrøm, Søren Rasted, Claus Norreen en Renee Dif]
- OnklP – It's Your Duty
- Bjarne Brøndbo – Skrik (Scream)
- Inger Lise Rypdal – Back To The 80's
24.1.2015: Episode 4 – OnklP
- Inger Lise Rypdal – Drammen I Regn
- Thom Hell – Hun Kom Som En Engel
- OnklP – Engler I Snøen (Engler I Sneen)
- Lene Nystrøm – The Bells Are Ringing For You Now
- Bjarne Brøndbo – Bli Hos Mæ (Te Dagen Kjem)
- Silje Nergaard – Tordensky
[1996, Jonas Fjeld and Ole Paus as To Rustne Herrer - music: Jonas Fjeld - lyrics: Ole Paus]
31.1.2015: Episode 5 – Silje Nergaard
- Bjarne Brøndbo – Fredag
- Jonas Fjeld – Du Eller Jeg
- Inger Lise Rypdal – Glir Forbi
- Thom Hell – Uten Grunn
- Silje Nergaard – Panderosa
[2014, OnkiP & De Fjerne Slektningenes - music: Johan Larsson en Asmund Lande, lyrics: Pål Tøien]
- Lene Nystrøm – Myk Landing
7.2.2015: Episode 6 – Thom Hell (actually called: Thomas Helland)
- OnklP – Tell Me Where You’re Going (Norwegian version called Si Meg)
- Jonas Fjeld – Be Still My Heart
- Thom Hell – Keep On Backing Losers (Norwegian version called Så Nært, Så Glemt)
- Inger Lise – Dreamers At Heart
- Lene Nystrøm – Lullaby To Erle
- Bjarne Brøndbo – En Og En
- Silje Nergaard – Love Is Easy
[2010 - music and lyrics: Thom Hell]
- OnklP – All Good Things
- Lene Nystrøm – So You're Leaving
- Inger Lise Rypdal – Over You
- Jonas Fjeld – Tired
- Bjarne Brøndbo – Take Me Over
14.2.2015: Episode 7 – Inger Lise Rypdal
21.2.2015: Episode 8 – Duets
- Jonas Fjeld – Romeo & Julie
- Lene Nystrøm – Jeg Fant Min Frihet
- Silje Nergaard – Regn
[1973, Inger Lise Rypdal as Inger Lise; originally the song 'Rain' (1969) from José Feliciano - music: José Feliciano and Hilda Feliciano - lyrics: Arve Sigvaldsen]
- Bjarne Brøndbo – I Mitt Liv
- Thom Hell – En Spennende Dag For Josefine
- OnklP – Fru Johnsen
- OnklP and Lene Nystrøm – Kjendisparty
- Jonas Fjeld and Silje Nergaard – Når Vi Deler Alt
[1984, duet by Jonas Fjeld and Hilde Heltberg - music: Jonas Fjeld - lyrics: Astor Andersen]
- Inger Lise Rypdal and Bjarne Brøndbo – Sønnavindsvalsen
- Lene Nystrøm and Thom Hell – Turn Back Time
- Silje Nergaard and Thom Hell – Det Fine Vi Hadd Sammen
[2000, song from D.D.E., the band with Bjarne Brøndbo - music: Frode Viken - lyrics: Terje Olsen and Frode Viken]- Jonas Fjeld, Inger Lise Rypdal and Bjarne Brøndbo – Liv Laga
Look at the presents Silje made for her colleagues of Hver gang vi møtes.