
Silje's appearances

the year 1988 - September 28.



Article in Indre Akershus Blad, Friday September 30. 1988


Translation article by Dag Sirnes:

AIDS sufferers

On Friday 23 September, the AIDS-aid song "Utenfor'' [Outside] was presented to the public. The song and the whole AIDS-aid project is a helping hand to those who have been affected by the HIV virus.

This spring, the Church's Social Services presented Jan Eggum with the following challenge: ''Can you consider making an AIDS song?'' Eggum answered yes immediately. He believes they are important to do something for people living with HIV and AIDS now!

Jan Eggum's song is extremely strong. It suggests that there is a relationship between the attitudes many Norwegians have towards HIV-positive people and the attitudes Hitler had towards Jews and homosexuals. 

Besides Eggum himself, Bjørn Eidsvåg, Sidsel Endresen and Silje Nergaard sing.

The single album also contains a song (''Naken hud'' [Naked skin]) by Sigvart Dagsland. Songs are taken from Dagsland's new album ''Seculum Seculi'', and Kirkelig Kulturverksted has given the song to the AIDS-aid project.