Silje's song index
all known songs Silje was singing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
Here all songs are listed, known Silje was singing (counted up to 270 in November 2020). For sure this list is not complete, because of all the songs Silje only did live or even less and the song just 'ended' on a demo. Behind the title of each individual song four categories can be mentioned between brackets. The four categories do have a hierarchie: when a song is on disc (Silje's disc or somebody elses'), other categories are ignored. When the song is not released, but a live version of the song is known, demo versions are ignored. The oldest known live-song is mentioned in this list. When a song was not released and it is not known from a live gig but only from a demo, this last category is used. The actual song on a demo can be older than the (appr.) date mentioned of course. Only known demo discs send to other parties can be found in the menu.
For details: click at the song. For most of the demos no additional information is available.[disc Silje] = the song is on a disc released by Silje
[disc other] = the song is on a disc released by somebody else
[live] = the song is known from a live concert/gig, not on disc; mentioned is the oldest known live performance
[demo] = the song is only known from a demo, not on disc or from live performance# is for songs Silje (co-)composed for sure
at the moment the pages for each song are under construction; all data are available but in different lay-outs
- A Christmas Wish # [disc Silje]
- A Crying Shame # [disc Silje]
- Afterwards [live] > Festspill, accompanied by The Kuraybers, Bergen, Norway, 2016
- All I Had # [disc Silje]
- All Over Town # [disc Silje]
- Almighty God Has Those Angels [live] > with Arne Domnérus and Østfold Trio, Sarpsborg, Norway, 1994
- Always, Forever [live] > Moldejazz, with Pat Metheny, Molde, Norway, 2001
- A Long Winter # [upcoming album; e-single]
- Amy # [disc Silje]
- A Man, A Woman And Child [disc Silje]
- Andre Stjerne Fra Syd [disc other]
- Angel # [demo] > 1999
- Aren`t You Cured Yet # [disc Silje]
- As Hawk As Nightingale # [demo] > 1999
- At First Light # [disc Silje]
- A Tired Body And A Saxophone # [live] > ±1984
- Avgang # [disc Silje]
- Balcony Ladies # [disc Silje]
- Bånsull [disc other]
- Bad Luck [live] song on Norwegia TV1, broadcasted on 26.12.1986
- Barbie Girl [disc other]
- Based On A Thousand True Stories # [disc Silje]
- Before You Called Me Yours # [disc Silje]
- Be Gone # [disc Silje]
- Be Good Or Be Gone # [disc Silje]
- Be Still My Heart # [disc Silje]
- Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered [disc Silje]
- Big Yellow Taxi [live] > song in a concert with the Blue Girls, Bodø, 1986
- Birdland [live] > song in a concert with Nils E. Vinjor, Kristiansand, 1995
- Blackbird [TV] > song on Norwegian TV (NRK), 1988
- Black Or White [live] > with Hallgrim Bratberg and Håvard Bendiksen (guitars), The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010
- Blame It On The Sun [disc Silje]
- Borrowing Moons # [disc Silje]
- Break All The Rules # [disc Silje]
- Breathe # [disc Silje]
- Brevet # [disc Silje]
- Buckle Her Shoe # [disc Silje]
- But Not For Me [live] > Bø, Norway, 1999
- Byssan Lull [live] > Moldejazz, with Pat Metheny, Molde, Norway, 2001
- Café De Flore # [disc Silje]
- Call From New York # [disc Silje]
- Candle In The Window # [upcoming album; e-single]
- Care # [disc Silje]
- Christmas Time Is Here [disc Silje]
- Cocco Bello # [disc Silje]
- Come In From The Garden # [disc Silje]
- Come Sunday [live] > with Arne Domnérus and Østfold Trio, Sarpsborg, Norway, 1994
- Come Walk Around # [disc Silje]
- Complete Me [disc other]
- Cow On The Highway # [disc Silje]
- Crazy Ocean # [disc Silje]
- Dance Me Love # [disc Silje]
- Danse, Danse # [disc Silje]
- Darkness Out Of Blue # [disc Silje]
- Departure Times # [disc Silje]
- Det Fine Vi Hadd Sammen [live] > song on Norwegia TV2, broadcasted on 21.2.2015
- Det Går Nok Over # [e-disc Silje]
- Det Hev Ei Rose Sprunge [live] > duet song in an Advent concert, Kristiansand, Norway, 1997
- Det Lyser I Stille Grender [live] > song Silje performed at a Christmas Concert in Moss, 1996
- Det Var Ein Gong [disc Silje]
- Det Var For Sent # [disc Silje]
- Does Anybody Care? [disc other]
- Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me [disc Silje]
- Don't Get Down On Your Knees To Pray [live] > with Arne Domnérus and Østfold Trio, Sarpsborg, Norway, 1994
- Don't Give Up [disc other]
- Don't Explain [disc Silje]
- Dream A Little Dream [disc Silje]
- Dreamers At Heart # [disc Silje]
- Dreamin' [disc Silje]
- Drømmedame [live] > song in duet with Hans Petter Aaserud in a TV show, Norway, 2023
- Dust [live] > song in a performance of the same name, Hamar, Norway, 1984
- Du Tok Ikkje Auene Dine Frå Meg [disc other]
- En Fremmed Jeg Har Møtt # [disc Silje]
- En Og En # [disc Silje]
- En Liten Klem # [disc Silje]
- Ennå Underveis # [disc Silje]
- En Russisk Mor [live]
- Et Eller Annet Sted # [disc Silje]
- Et Lite Rykk # [disc Silje]
- Everybody's Got To Be Somewhere # [demo]
- Every Time We Say Goodbye [disc Silje]
- Faces # [disc Silje]
- Fall # [disc Silje]
- Fields Of Gold [disc other]
- Follow Me # [demo] > 1998
- For All We Know [disc Silje]
- For Once In My Life [disc other]
- For Så Høyt Elsket Gud Hele Verden ... [disc other]
- For Tomorrow # [disc Silje]
- For Vår Jord [live] > recorded in Olavshallen in Trondheim on September 16. 2019; duet with Ole Paus
- For You A Thousand Times # [disc Silje]
- Frozen # [disc Silje]
- Gamle Venn # [disc Silje]
- Girl On Your Doorstep # [disc Silje]
- Girl Talk [live] > Skandinaviske Jazz-divaer, with Danish Radio Big Band, in trio with Cæcilie Norby and Rigmor Gustafsson, 2009
- Glade Jul [disc other]
- God Bless The Child [live] song with Arne Domnérus and the Østfold Trio at Gleng-festivalen in Fredrikstad in June 1994
- God's Mistakes # [demo] > 2000
- Gå En Annen Vei # [disc Silje]
- Have Yourself A Merry Lttle Christmas [disc Silje]
- Healing Rain [disc other]
- Heaven [live] > Second Sacred Concert, with DIOC Big Band and Helgeland Chamber Choir, Mo i Rana, Norway, 2000
- He Must Have Been Telling A Lie # [disc Silje]
- Here's That Rainy Day [live] > Moldejazz, with Pat Metheny, Molde, Norway, 2001
- His House # [upcoming album; e-single]
- Hjem # [disc Silje]
- Hold On To That Rainbow [demo] > 1999
- Holding Back Inside # [disc Silje]
- How Am I Supposed To See The Stars # [disc Silje]
- How Are You Gonna' Deal With It # [disc Silje]
- How Can I Relearn # [demo]
- How Can I Stop Loving You [disc Silje]
- Human [disc Silje]
- Hunting High And Low [disc Silje]
- Hush Little Bird [live] > song in the German Tour (autumn), Leverkusen-Opladen, Germany, 2016
- Hvem Er Du # [disc Silje]
- Hvor Du Skal Gå # [disc Silje]
- I'd Do It For Your Love [disc other]
- I Don't Want To See You Cry # [disc Silje]
- I Feel For You [live] song in a concert in Alta, 2002
- If I Could Choose An Hour # [demo] > 1999
- If I Could Wrap Up A Kiss # [disc Silje]
- If You Leave Me Now [disc Silje]
- If You Love Somebody [disc Silje]
- I Got My Pyjamas On [live] > song in a concert with the Blue Girls, Bodø, 1986
- I Knew That I Loved You # [disc Silje]
- I'll Look For You # [demo] > 2001
- I'm Your Girl # [disc Silje]
- In A Mellow Tone [live] song in a concert with HamJam, Lillehammer, 1984
- In A Sentence # [disc Silje]
- I Need Your Love # [disc Silje]
- In The Afterglow # [demo] > 1999?
- Is Christmas Only A Tree [disc Silje]
- Isn't She Lovely [live] > song from the Hedmarksvokalist contest, Norway, 1983
- It's Gonna Rain # [disc Silje]
- I've Loved You # [disc Silje]
- I Will Write You Every Dy # [disc Silje]
- I Wish [live] > song in a Christmas concert in Moss, 1996
- Jaded Childhood Dreams # [disc Silje]
- James # [live] > song at a Christmas matinee in Hamar, 1983
- Japanese Blue # [disc Silje]
- Jeg Danser, Alene # [disc Silje]
- Jeg Vil [disc other]
- Jeg Vil Takke Livet [disc Silje]
- Julestjerne [live] > Advent concert during the opening of a new mountain hall of a company in Asker, Norway, 1996
- Keep On Backing Losers # [disc Silje]
- Kirken Den Er Et Gammelt Hus [live] live song with Arne Domnérus and the Østfold Trio at Gleng-festivalen in Moss and Fredrikstad in May/June 1994
- Kyoto Wind # [disc Silje]
- Kjærleik [live] live song with Arne Domnérus and the Østfold Trio at Gleng-festivalen in Moss and Fredrikstad in May/June 1994
- Lady Charlotte # [disc Silje]
- Last Night When We Were Young [disc other]
- Laura # [disc Silje]
- Let Me Be Troubled # [disc Silje]
- Let There Be Love [disc Silje]
- Like My First Love [disc other]
- Louie, Come Back # [disc Silje]
- Lord Don't Move That Mountain [live] > Moldejazz, Ytre Suløens Jass-ensemble, Molde, Norway, 1997
- Love [live] > with the Dutch Metropole Orchestra, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2008
- Love Is Easy [disc other]
- Love Me Again - Je T'Aime [disc Silje]
- Love Of My Life [disc Silje]
- Lover Man [live] > song at TV premiere, 1983
- Lovers [live] > in trio with Cæcilie Norby and Rigmor Gustafsson, as the Skandinavian Jazz Divas, for crown princess Victoria and Daniel, 2010
- Lullaby Of Birdland [live] > Fredrikstad, Norway, 1994
- Lullaby To Erle # [disc Silje]
- Marlena # [disc Silje]
- Maskefall # [disc Silje]
- Mercy Street [disc Silje]
- Mitt Hjerte Alltid Vanker [live] > with Arne Domnérus and Østfold Trio, Moss and Sarpsborg, Norway, 1994
- Me Oh My # [disc Silje]
- Morgenstemning # [disc Silje]
- Move Along, Ruby # [disc Silje]
- My Crowded House # [upcoming album; e-single]
- My Funny Valentine [disc Silje]
- My Neighbour's Cat # [disc Silje]
- My One And Only Love [live] > Bø, Norway, 1999
- Mørk Morgen # [disc Silje]
- Nattoget # [disc Silje]
- Nattsang # [disc Silje]
- Never Happier Than This # [disc Silje]
- Nightroad # [disc Silje]
- Night Street # [disc Silje]
- Night Train [disc others]
- Nobody [live] > song from the Hedmarksvokalist contest, Norway, 1983
- No Erasing You # [disc other]
- Norwegian Boatsong # [disc Silje]
- Nothing Compares 2 U [disc other]
- Now And Then # [disc Silje]
- Når Du Er Borte [disc Silje]
- Når Hun Skal Hjem # [disc Silje]
- Når Vi Deler Alt [disc other]
- Old Face # [live] song from a concert with HamJam on January 21. 1984 in Lillehammer
- Old Madrid # [disc Silje]
- On And On # [disc Silje]
- One Of These Mornings # [disc Silje]
- One Year # [disc Silje]
- Once I Held A Moon # [disc Silje]
- Ordinary Sadness # [disc Silje]
- Over My Head [live] > Moldejazz, Ytre Suløens Jass-ensemble, Molde, Norway, 1997
- Panderosa [live] > song on Norwegia TV2, broadcasted on 24.1.2015
- Paper Boats # [disc Silje]
- Pappas Vals # [disc Silje]
- Perfect Stranger # [demo] > ± 1999
- Perrong # [disc Silje]
- Prelude To A Kiss [live] > Skandinaviske Jazz-divaer, with Danish Radio Big Band, in duet with Rigmor Gustafsson, 2009
- Proud Mary [live] > song in a Christmas concert, Moss, 1996
- Quiet Place [disc Silje]
- Radka # [live] > song at TV premiere, 1983
- Rai Rai [live] > song on Norwegia TV2, broadcasted on 5.1.2015
- Rain Roofs # [disc Silje]
- Rainy Day [live] > Moldejazz, with Pat Metheny, Molde, Norway, 2001
- Regn [live] > song on Norwegia TV2, broadcasted on 14.2.2015
- Rikky Don't Lose That Number > song on Norwegian TV1, broadcasted on 16.2.1985
- River [disc Silje]
- Roundabout # [disc Silje]
- Round Midnight > song in a concert with her Band 'Silje', Lillhammer, 1985
- Ruby # [disc Silje]
- Run Run Run # [disc Silje]
- Saving All My Love For You [live] > concert (probably in a set with Stian Carstensen and Thomas Strønen), 1999?
- Second Thoughts Of You # [demo] > 1999
- Selina # [TV appearance] > song announced for a TV program, 1984
- Shame On You # [disc Silje]
- Si Det, Si Det # [disc other]
- Silent Night, Holy Night (Stille Nacht) [disc others]
- Sister Of Mercy # [demo] > 1999
- Silver Platter [live] > gig in Danmark, 1999
- Sleepwalking # [disc Silje]
- Sleigh Ride [live] > Christmas concert Bonn, 2010
- Smile [live] > Moldejazz, Ytre Suløens Jass-ensemble, Molde, Norway, 1997
- So Many Chances # [demo]
- So Many Roads To Sorrow # [disc Silje]
- Som en trekkfugl [live]
- Someone's Got To Hold Her # [disc Silje]
- Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child > song at a benefit concert on October 6. 1985 in Hamar
- Somewhere There's A Someone You Will Love # [demo]
- Sonjas Sang Til Julesternen [disc Silje]
- So Ro Lillemann [disc other]
- Sorry # [disc Silje]
- So Sorry For Your Love # [disc Silje]
- Spain [live] > song in a concert with HamJam, Lillehammer, 1984
- Standing In The Light Of Love # [demo] ± 2000
- Stardust [live] > song in the performance 'Dust', Hamar, Norway, 1984
- Stille Natt, Salige Stund [live] > Christmas concert Bonn, 2010
- Still Time For Love [disc other]
- Summer's Here [live] > song in a concert with the Blue Girls, Bodø, 1986
- Sussebass > in duet with Rita Eriksen on Norwegian TV (RK), broadcasted on 17.2.1994
- Svart Regn [disc other]
- Så Glad I Dæ [live] in duet at a Birthday Party live event in Trondheim, 2019
- Så Nær, Så Nær # [disc Silje]
- Så Seiler Vi På Mjøsa [disc other]
- Take A Long, Long Walk# [disc Silje]
- Take The Dice # [demo]
- Ta Meg Med [live] > in duet with Jan Eggum, 2001
- Tea For Two [live] > song at a concert with Stian Carstensen and Thomas Strønen, Halden, 2000
- Tell Me Where You're Going # [disc Silje]
- The Art Of Romance [disc other]
- The Ballet Boy # [disc Silje]
- The Beachcomber # [disc Silje]
- The Dance Floor # [disc Silje]
- The Diner # [disc Silje]
- The Dry Cleaner from Des Moines [live] > song at a concert with Stian Carstensen and Thomas Strønen, Bergen, 1999
- The Girl From Ipanema [live] > song in a concert with Mellow Yellow, Bergen, 1986
- The Harm That We Do # ["disc" Silje] > published as ram-file at for a while, but not released on disc
- The Leaving # [disc Silje]
- The Long And Winding Road [disc other] > before this release Silje did this song in a concert in Stockholm on August 31. 1992
- The Long Way 'Round [demo] > 1999
- The Meter's Running # [disc Silje]
- The Middle of Love # [disc Silje]
- The Moon's A Harsh Mistress [live] > Unplugged concerts 2010, for certain on March 5. in Bonn
- The Night Traveller # [disc Silje]
- The Railway Girl # [disc Silje]
- There's Always A First Time # [disc Silje]
- There's Trouble Brewing # [disc Silje]
- The Secret Of Christmas [disc Silje]
- The Train Now Standing # [disc Silje]
- They Can't Take That Away From Me [live] > live song from a concert in Vadsø, 1999
- The Very First Christmas Without You # [disc Silje]
- The Waltz # [disc Silje]
- Tina [live] song in a concert in Alta, 2002
- This Is Not America [disc Silje]
- Those Rainy Nights # [disc Silje]
- Thought I Heard # [demo] 1999
- Through Time [disc other]
- Tiden Det Tar # [disc Silje]
- Togjenta # [disc Silje]
- Tordensky [disc other]
- Traffic Jam [live] > Fredrikstad, Norway, 1994
- Train Of Fragile Hearts # [disc Silje]
- Two For The Road # [disc Silje]
- Two Of A Kind # [demo] > 1999
- Two Sleepy People [disc Silje]
- Unbreakable Heart # [disc Silje]
- Vals Til Deg # [disc Silje]
- Velvet Curtains # [upcoming album; e-single]
- Vill # [disc Silje]
- Vintersang # [disc Silje]
- Värmlandsvisen [live] live song with Arne Domnérus and the Østfold Trio at Gleng-festivalen in Moss and Fredrikstad in May/June 1994
- Waiting Room # [disc Silje]
- Walking Behind You # [disc Silje]
- Waltz for You # [disc Silje]
- Wastelands # [disc Silje]
- Was That All There Was # [demo] > 2000
- Wayside Song # / [disc Silje]
- We Could Turn This World Around [live] song Silje did together with other artists at a fundraising concert in 1993
- Welcome to Another Day # [disc Silje]
- We'll Be Friends Tomorrow # [disc Silje]
- We Should Be Happier By Now # [disc Silje]
- We Were Runners # [disc other]
- What A Wonderful World [disc Silje]
- What Is Bobby Doin'? # [disc Silje]
- What Might Have Been # [disc Silje]
- What's Going On [live] song on Norwegia TV, broadcasted on 4.11.1990
- What's New [disc Silje]
- What The Matter Is [demo] > 1999
- What The Wolrd Needs Now Is Love [live] > Oslo, Norway, 2011
- When Judy Falls [disc Silje]
- When Our Tune is Played (Waking From A Dream) [demo] > ± 2002
- When The Morning Comes # [disc Silje]
- When The Saints Go Marching In [live] song in a Duke Ellington medley with Arne Domnérus and the Østfold Trio at Gleng-festivalen in Fredrikstad in June 1994
- Where You Are # [disc Silje]
- While You Where Gone # [disc Silje]
- Who Goes There # [disc Silje]
- Window Bird # [upcoming album; e-single]
- Winner Takes It All # [demo] > 1999
- Winter Moon # [disc Silje]
- Wonderful Christmas Time [disc Silje]
- Won't Give Up # [disc Silje]
- Won't You Smile # [demo]
- You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To [live] > Bø, Norway, 1999
- You In My World (Taboo) # [demo] > 1999
- You Killed My Love [demo] > 2000
- You're Kind [disc Silje], before: [live] > song in a concert with the Blue Girls, Bodø, 1986
- Your Song [live] > song in a concert with Mellow Yellolw in 1986 in Bergen
- You Send Me Flowers # [disc Silje]
- You've Got A Friend [live] > song, together with Kristin Berglund and Nina Askeland, in a concert in Oslo, 1985
- You've Gotta Hold My Hand # [disc Silje]