
Silje's appearances

the year 2003 - October 19.



Article in Glåmdalen, Saturday October 18. 2003



Translation by Dag Sirnes:

ABC saves the children

(excerpt from the article about TV programs on Sunday 19 October)

To break the vicious circle of illiteracy and poverty in countries in the Third World, (the organization) Save the Children has launched a number of school projects - hence the slogan "ABC saves children". The income from this year's TV campaign goes to this purpose.

For the 30th year in a row, it is again ready for a national charity event. The TV campaign 2003 - Save the Children! is led by Håkon Haugsbø (known from the "Consumer Inspectors") and Marianne Furevold (known from "Stand up!"). The two presenters have visited two of the action countries, Uganda and Nepal, respectively. In today's broadcast, we get to see some of what they experienced during their travels.

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Great giving joy

"The TV campaign - Save the Children!" will provide education for thousands of children across the globe. The hope is to raise 160 million kroner and recruit 15,000 new sponsors.

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Some highlights

At 14.00, Crown Princess Mette-Marit will be present in the studio, and as the campaign's high patron, she will open the broadcast and the party day. Erik Bye is coming, so is Olsenbanden jr. , which tells about the trip to Nicaragua and the meeting with children in the slums. We will see a very strong report.

Artists in this section are CC Cowboys, David, Gaute, Ephemera, Odd Børretzen, Unni Wilhelmsen and Tom McRae.

Knut Nærum offers special humor. In his peculiar way, he puts the difference between Norwegians and people in the action countries in perspective.

In the last part from 10.30 pm, Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik and Bishop Gunnar Stålsett will arrive, and the artists are Helmut Lotti and Silje Nergaard. It will hardly surprise anyone if the Prime Minister brings with him a contribution from the government to this year's TV campaign. There is hardly much political disagreement about the excellence of the purpose. So here is the Prime Minister for a change in calm waters.

TV NRK1 from 11.00 (with special service from Tonsen church, Oslo)

Photo: Marianne Furevold met 17-year-old Sharda in Nepal. She comes to Norway in connection with the TV campaign. Furevold is the host of the TV campaign together with Håkon Haugsbø. (Photo: NRK)