
Silje's appearances

the year 2001 - January 24.



Setlist and translated (by Dag Sirnes) review from https://www.puls.no/5868.html:

  1. There's Always A First Time
  2. Me Oh My
  3. Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered
  4. Now And Then
  5. Be Still My Heart
  6. For All We Know
  7. Sushiland / instrumetal
  8. So Sorry For Your Love
  9. Let There Be Love
  10. The Waltz
  11. Japanese Blue
  12. The Dry Cleaner from Des Moines
  13. Shame On You
  14. On And On / 2x

Line up: the National Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra (Kringskastingsorkesteret; director Anders Eljas); guests: Magnus Lindgren, Georg ('Jojje') Wadenius;
line-up Band: Magnus Lindgren (saxs), Tord Gustavsen (piano), Georg Wadenius (guitar), Harald Johnsen (bass) and Jarle Vespestad (drums)

Let autumn come - with Silje ...

[from the web page:  https://www.puls.no/5868.html]

(Oslo/PULS): With NRK Radio's Broadcast Orchestra of 60 men and women in the back, it is impossible to make a mistake. Nor did Silje Nergaard at Wednesday's concert at Rockefeller. So interplayed, so playful and ingenious! Norwegian jazz has really found its queen in this weaver, beautiful woman with the velvet voice.

By: Ann-Sofi S. Emilsen // 27.01.01

Visibly present was also NRK's journalist crew to attach this special concert to tape, because never has such a large horde of musicians filled the stage at Rockefeller. In addition to the mentioned Broadcasting Orchestra Nergaard had brought her band from last year's release "Port Of Call".

It all became a powerful experience.

The concert became a mixture of songs from last year's album and newly written material that will be released next autumn. The jazz ball opened with "There's Always", "Me Oh My" and beautiful "Bewitched". One might think that Nergaard's fragile voice would drown in all the string instruments, but that did not happen. If possible, she was even better on vocal live than she is on record, and that says a lot.

One of the songs that will be released this autumn is "Be Still My Heart" which Nergaard performed in a duet with her Swedish guitarist Georg Wadenius. A real treat where she has written both lyrics and melody herself. This bids for many upcoming, delicious autumn evenings with the CD player!

Instrumental and experimental "Sushi Land" garnered a lot of applause from an audience that knew how to applaud in the right places. I wonder if the whole world's jazz audience has taken courses to learn how to behave at a concert? What about the spontaneous, loose zeal? It all gets so "correct" and made ... huff!

Jazz music must unfortunately, for a while still, carry with it the stamp it, in large parts of the youth, has received to represent "the upper strata of society".

In "Let there be love", Silje frolic in happy jazz with her talented musicians, and they all seem to thrive. On beautiful "Japanese Blue", Magnus Lindberg [HdW: incorrect name, it is Magnus Lindgren] shines on transverse  flute accompanied by sensitive, weaving vocals.

At the beginning of "Dry Cleaner" we get an intro with only drums and Silje on fast almost-rap vocals. Cool! Throughout the song, the musicians get to show themselves one by one with their solo raids; first Lindberg on flute, then Tord Gustavsen on piano, then the 7 violinists in the orchestra - followed by drummer Jarle Vespestad and bassist Harald Johnsen. High level individualism!

The whole program ends with playful "Shame On You" from "Port Of Call" - by the way the only song that does not contain orchestral arrangements - and the several years old "On And On", which reportedly made Unni Wilhelmsen shed a few tears. I understand her well. Nergaard's voice is so emotional that it goes straight to the soul of a poor (wo)man.

Me, I'm just looking forward to the fall. With red wine and a new Nergaard record, it seems to be a great season we have in store.

PLAYLIST: There's Always / Me Oh My / Bewitched / Now And Then / Be Still My Heart / For All We Know / Sushiland / So Sorry / Let There Be Love / The Waltz / Japanese Blue / Dry Cleaner / Shame On You / On And On ( x 2).