
Silje's appearances

the year 1999 - March 5.


advertisement in Oppland Arbeiderblad, Friday March 5. 1999 

Translation by Dag Sirnes:

tune into - Gjøvik Jazzklubb presenting

Tonight at 22.00


Silje Nergaard - vocals
Tord Gustavsen - piano
Harald Johnsen - bass
Jarle Vespestad - drums

- Standard tunes

Pre-sale tickets Chaplin and
Bennis Musikk CC

Members NOK 70
Non-members NOK 120

Supported by
Rikskonsertene (Concerts Norway)
(and) EUnet

café - bar -
win hall - disco

Jernbanegt. 5 (Gjøvik)

article in Oppland Arbeiderblad, Monday March 8. 1999

Translation by Dag Sirnes:

Jazz balsam for the soul

They sat with half-open eyes and played imaginatively on the piano at Chaplin Café's many table edges, the jazz lovers, enjoying to beautiful tones from the Silje Negaard Quartet.

After getting married and having children, Silje Nergaard is back with countless projects. She still has one leg in the pop world, but is perhaps just as steady on the other; jazz leg. For the velvet voice and her improvised handling of the tones fit so well there. And it was then also in Molde jazz that her 16-year-old talent was once discovered.

Quality quartet

The Hamar girl has brought with her three of the country's young and most renowned jazz musicians; Tord Gustavsen on piano, Harald Johnsen on bass and Jarl Vespestad on drums. Together they have become CD 'pregnant', and a tour has just begun. The first concert was in Hamar four months ago. Chaplin Café was the second stop.

Small audience

The quartet did not gather much audience, but those who came knew what they were going for. For one rarely sees such obvious musical enjoyment, where they sat around the candles and lived into the playful unpredictability of jazz. As one listener put it: "This is balsam for the soul."


As I said, the Silje Nergaard Quartet is not just Silje. Tord Gustavsen stood for constant pleasures with his keys, and drummer Vespestad made the audience open their eyes - almost gaping.

"The point of a quartet of such a caliber is that everyone could have been front figures," said Jørn Reiner of Gjøvik Jazz Club.

But it is now the case that the singer ends up most in focus. Not least when she has written several solid songs herself. Mostly jazz with old dust, but also a tasteful, summery waltz, by the way.

A capella project

We will hear a lot from Silje in the time to come. Not least in connection with the exciting a capella project she has started together with Marianne Antonsen, Anita Skorgan and Rita Eriksen.

                                                                                    Text: Per Hovland
                                                                                    Photo: Brynjar Eidstuen

The picture

PLAYFUL JAZZ: The Silje Nergaard Quartet did not gather many people, but served quality jazz at Chaplin Café