Silje's appearances
the year 1993 - September 6.
article and advertisement in Arbeiderbladet, Saturday September 4. 1993
Translated by Dag Sirnes (article):
Concerts for street children
Tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday, a number of Norway's most famous musicians will perform at Smuget to raise money for a new center for street children in Oslo.
''We want to do something so that the children who have fallen outside will have an alternative to the asphalt. Preferably as close to Oslo S as possible. We need at least half a million kroner to make it happen, and we probably will not get that with these concerts. So the work continues'', says Eva Fosser in the Norwegian Anti-Drug Organization to Arbeiderbladet.
Tomorrow, among others, a. Sidsel Endresen, Eriksen, Terje Tysland and Hot Club de Norvege. On Monday, the time has come for Trond Granlund, Silje Nergaard and many others, while the festival ends on Tuesday with Kari Svendsn, Di Derre, Caroline Asplin and more.
Caption: Trond Granlund sings for the street children on Monday. (Photo: Felicia Øystå)